Siento teneros abandonados, pero últimamente han sucedido una serie de acontecimientos que no me permiten estar al 100% con vosotros. Pero esto es una ocasión especial.
Os quería hablar del pasado Sábado, que se celebró en mi ciudad, la Ceremonia Cinematográfica Cine13, donde se presentaba un Corto, de la directora Carmen Carro. Y porque os cuento esto?, pues bien, fui el peluquero de actores y actrices de dicho corto, y me invitaron a asistir a la presentación. En la cual el corto, se llevo 8 premios, (mejor maquillaje y caracterización, mejor guión, mejor banda sonora...) entre otros.
Por lo tanto, me encantó poder estar con todo el equipo recibiendo los premios al mejor corto en el escenario.Desde aquí, gracias a todos.

Translate: Hello everyone!
Calves feel abandoned, but lately have been a series of events that do not allow me to be 100% with you. But this is a special occasion.
I want to talk about last Saturday, which was held in my hometown, Film Cine13 Ceremony, which featured a Short, Principal Carmen Carro. And because I tell you this?, Well, I was the barber of actors and actresses of that short, and I was invited to attend the presentation. In which the short, took 8 awards, (best makeup and characterization, best screenplay, best soundtrack ...) among others.
So, I loved being with the team receiving the prize for best short at the escenario.Desde here, thank you all.
Well, I bring the outfit that used to attend, where you use a shirt from Zara, which I have seen in a previous look, some black skinnies and Zara shoes. Hope you like, and to see you very soon. Tomorrow is an important day in my life, and I hope everything goes very well, and to keep updating daily.
o en twitter @pinipequi
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