Fashion Show Victoria's Secret 2011

Un año mas las miradas se centraran en el desfile mas famoso de todo el mundo. Os hablo de "Fashion Show Victoria's Secret 2011".
Tendra lugar mañana de Noviembre en Nueva York.
Erin Heatherton, Miranda Kerr, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Doutzen Kroes y Candice Swanepoel. Seis bellezas, seis mujeres que empiezan a desplegar sus alas de cara al espectáculo que atrae a cientos de celebridades.
Todos los años, la firma crea un sostén conocido como "Fantasy Bra". Este año, hablamos de 1,8 millones de euros, y al igual que el año Pasado Adriana Lima, fue la elegida. Esta edición lo sera la modelo Miranda Kerr.
Los cantantes que amenizaran la gran noche sera Adam Levine y Maroon 5.

En la pasarela habrá 38 diseños para el espectáculo, que incluirá 31 pares de sus tradicionales 'alitas'.
A year looks to focus on the most famous parade around the world. I speak of "Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2011."
November will take place tomorrow in New York.
Erin Heatherton, Miranda Kerr, Adriana Lima, Alessandra Ambrosio, Doutzen Kroes and Candice Swanepoel. Six beauties, six women began to spread its wings in the face of the spectacle that attracts hundreds of celebrities.
Every year, the firm creates a bra called "Fantasy Bra". This year, we talk about 1.8 million euros, and like Adriana Lima last year, was chosen. This edition will be the model Miranda Kerr.
The singers that played the big night will be Adam Levine and Maroon 5.
The model Candice Swanepoel, is one of the 'angels' that are already proving their clothes and their 'wings' in the face of the parade. Models in the collection will 'Passion', in which wink the art of bullfighting, among which are items like a skirt that resembles a cloak embroidered with roses.
On the catwalk will be 38 designs for the show, including 31 pairs of their traditional 'wings'.
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